Starseed Coaching Is a transformative portal where the ancient wisdom of the Akashic Records and modern wellness converge.

Within the Akashic Records, the journey itself becomes your destiny, where each moment offers an opportunity to live more fully, consciously, and aligned with your true essence.

My commitment is to ensure that every soul I serve finds their own luminous path.

With your records open, every Starseed Coaching session is akin to having a conversation with the Universe itself, where the answers uncovered provide a deeper understanding and connection to your soul’s journey.

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Starseed Coaching and the Akashic Experience is for you if…

Your Heart Craves Cosmic Connection.

There’s a fire within you, a burning desire to not just exist, but to resonate. A yearning for connection with the Universe - to feel guided, supported and loved.

Revelations are Invigorating not Intimidating.

From past lives to parallel lives to multidimensional portals and the timeless truths in the Akashic Records - bring it on. You’re not just open - you’re hungry for those insights.

Mysteries are your playground.

You’re not just interested; you’re drawn in, ready to decode the messages meant specifically for you. The world behind your eyes, the secret realm, has an undeniable pulse.

You’re all in for Holistic Harmony and Balance.

That’s not just your goal; it’s your lifeline. It’s where your spirit finds its groove, where the masculine and feminine within you come alive and you’re ready to create from the unseen realms.

You need a Vibrational Upgrade.

Whether you're familiar with the concept or are newly intrigued, you feel the call to elevate your vibrational frequency, and be a source of love and light in the world.

You’re ready for Transformation-LIGHT it up!

The Akashic Records, Energy Medicine, Quantum Frequencies, Bio-field tuning, Channeling you are here for it all - you’re curious and adventurous, embracing the unseen truths of quantum reality.

What some of my clients are saying.